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Idioms don’t belong to the easiest part of the English language. New learners or beginners might have some difficulties when they meet idioms for the first time. If they don’t know what idioms are, they might get lost with some translation and in the result with the proper understanding of a given text or even some simple conversation. Idioms are everywhere and on all levels of English learning. You can’t learn the language without knowing the English idioms.

What does as cool as a cucumber mean?

Idioms, a part of any language that causes many problems to learners. Idioms are groups of words, phrases or expressions that you can’t translate word for word. When you look at such a phrase, at first sight, it doesn’t make any sense. The only way to find its proper meaning is to check it in a good dictionary, but you must write the whole phrase as it is.

How about the idiom below? Can you guess its meaning? As cool as a cucumber, what can it mean? If you can’t figure out anything, check the meaning in your English dictionary. I’m sure you will be surprised!

What does when pigs fly mean?

Now, let’s go through some examples of sentences with idioms. As an example, let’s take such a sentence: I will learn to sing when pigs fly. At first sight when we do a word for word translation the sentence doesn’t make much sense. Learning singing and flying pigs? What might it have in common? For a person who has no idea about idioms this sentence looks strange, doesn’t it? And such a person will not understand the meaning of it. Easy words, easy sentence but the meaning seems to be complex.

If such a sentence happens to you, check the strange or unclear phrase in a good dictionary. Then everything becomes clear. In this example, the dicionary will tell you that the phrase, when pigs fly, means a situation that will never happen, something that is impossible, there is no chance that the situation is true. Summing up, the sentence: I will learn to sing when the pigs fly, means that it is impossible for somebody to learn to sing. This person will never sing as well as they want. This example shows why learning English idioms is so important. Knowing at least some basic idioms like when pigs fly will make your understanding English better.

This post will help you to learn and practise some easy phrases. The idioms in this online exercise are used on daily basis, you can hear them during watching some videos, reading some texts or just on the street. These are the following:

  • no biggie,
  • I can’t stand,
  • with flying colours,
  • zip it,
  • it’s a pity,
  • come again?,
  • I’m all ears,
  • call it a day,
  • why the long face?,
  • cross my heart,
  • as cool as a cucumber,
  • when pigs fly.

The entry consists of three exercises. The first one deals with the definitions of these English idioms. In this online exercise you will find out what the particular idioms mean. The second quiz shows the idioms in sentence examples which will allow you to understand and remember them better. The last exercise shows some situations and you have to decide which of the given idioms describes them best and the exercise will tell you how well you remember these phrases.

Go to these online exercises, read, learn, revise and remember.

Practise each exercise until you get 100%!

Fingers crossed!


You've got only 2 minutes to finish the quizz. Don't waste your time!

Don't worry! Try again! Next time will be better 🙂

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Idioms - Mix 1

Choose the correct meaning for the given idioms.

1 / 10

Category: Beginner

I'm all ears.

2 / 10

Category: Beginner

Why the long face?

3 / 10

Category: Beginner

No biggie.

4 / 10

Category: Beginner

I can't stand.

5 / 10

Category: Beginner

Zip it.

6 / 10

Category: Beginner

Cross my heart.

7 / 10

Category: Beginner

With flying colours.

8 / 10

Category: Beginner

Call it a day.

9 / 10

Category: Beginner

That's a pity.

10 / 10

Category: Beginner

Come again?

Your score is

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You've got only 2 minutes to complete the task. Hurry up!

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Choose the best idiom for the underlined phrase.

1 / 11

We've done a lot of work, I'm tired. Let's finish for today.

2 / 11

You did all your tasks perfectly. We're so proud of you.

3 / 11

I'm so sorry that you have to leave now. Will you call me later?

4 / 11

Oh, Honey, why are you so sad?

5 / 11

I'll never lie to you. I promise.

6 / 11

I hate waiting for you. Why are you always late?

7 / 11

You're talking too much. I need some peace and quiet. Please, stop talking for a few minutes!

8 / 11

We all were very frightened and stressed but Dawid seemed to be quite calm and relaxed.

9 / 11

- I'm sorry that I couldn't come yesterday.

- It doesn't matter. I'm happy you're here now.


10 / 11

I didn't hear you. Can you repeat?

11 / 11

That's really interesting what you're saying. Go on, I'm listening to you.

Your score is

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You've got only 7 minutes to complete this task. Hurry up!

Try once again!

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IDIOMS, Mix 1, Practice 2

Write the correct idiom which describes the given situation.

Start with a CAPITAL LETTER!

1 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to ask someone why they are sad.

2 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say that something is not so important or that you don't care.

3 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say that someone is very calm, especially in a stressful situation.

4 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to stop doing something.

5 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to show that you are telling the truth.

6 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say that it is impossible for something to happen.

7 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want someone to repeat something.

8 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to show someone that you are ready to hear what they have to say.

9 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say that you hate something.

10 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say that you are sorry aboyt something.

11 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want someone to be quiet.

12 / 12

Category: Beginner

When you want to say someone that they did something very well.

Your score is

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